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Are you looking for a real connection? Don't look for anymore! Manale is a fun, sociable and safe woman of herself who looks for her perfect partner. I like to experience different cultures, go to dinner and watch live music. I'm always looking for a good adventure and always looking for something new to try. I am an animal lover and a sports fan. I am passionate about hockey and I love to see good games. I am optimistic, so always try to see the best of people. I look for someone to be honest, loyal and have a good sense of humor. I want someone who can mentally challenge myself and maintain my energy levels. I look for someone who is open to travel and learn about different cultures. I also look for someone who has a lot of heart and knows how to treat a woman. If you look for someone to have fun and make you laugh, I am the girl for you! I am a great listener and I am always ready for a good conversation. I am open to several things, but I am especially interested in meeting someone who shares my interests and being looking for a real relationship. If you think we could fit well, do not hesitate to contact me. I am waiting for a message of yours!
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